Yoga class schedule:

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Iyengar Yoga

Dr. Blackham is a certified Iyengar yoga teacher (CIYT). She is trained to provide clear demonstrations of each posture and is skilled in using simple props to maximize the opening and awareness of the body, providing support to the less flexible and extra extension to the more advanced student.

Iyengar Yoga was created over 75 years ago by B.K.S. Iyengar. He devoted his life to the development of his approach to yoga, which is based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga taught over 2500 years ago by the sage Patanjali. Yoga goes beyond being a physical discipline- it is also an art, a science, and a philosophy.

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers undergo rigorous training and evaluation to earn their certification. Iyengar Yoga is accessible for all ages and all body types. It is known for its focus on precision and timing and the use of props, which were designed by Mr. Iyengar and help the practitioner to achieve more intelligence and opening in the body. Regular practice of Iyengar Yoga integrates the body, mind, and emotions.